die sink edm machine diagram

The basic conditions for the realization of EDM

edm die sinker
edm die sinking machine,electric spark machine,nc edm machine made in china

The basic conditions for the realization of electric discharge machining are as follows:

●The distance between the electrode and the work-piece is usually several microns and hundreds of microns,and maintain this distance steadily.

● There are full of liquid medium between the two poles those are electrode and workpiece,when machining the work-piece for the dimensions,The gaseous medium are between the two poles,when the surface is strengthened.

● The energy transported to the two poles needs enough energy,that the distance electric discharging must have a strong current density(general 10⁵—10⁶A/cm),So,a large amount of heat energy is generated during the discharge process,that can make the part of any conductive material melt or vaporize.

●  The electric discharge is the pulse discharge with short time,and the each discharge time is 10⁻⁷—10⁻³S,The short time could not make the heat energy conduct and diffuse out quickly,So the discharge points are confined to a small range.

● Pulse power has to discharge electric multiples,and Each electric discharge is dispersed in time and space,that is ,each discharge generally can not do at the same point,avoid local damage due to the high temperatures.

●The products(eg. Debris,oxide)after the pulse power discharge can be carried out of the discharge gap between the electrode and work-piece,that make the repeated discharge proceed smoothly.

When the discharges is doing,the tool electrode is connected the pole of the pulse power,the metal work-piece is connected to the other pole.working liquid will fulled of the discharge gap between the two poles,The control system of edm die sinker make the electrode move to the work-piece,The liquid medium is broken down and electric discharge occurs,when the distance of two poles reaches to a certain value.The workpiece is corroded with a small pit,the electrode is also customized at the same time,the products eg.debris and oxide will be carried out by the liquid medium moved after the electric discharge.and next,During the short interval time,the discharge is not working.after that the next pulse power discharge will occur,the metal workpiece will be corroded with small pits.This constant discharge between the electrode and workpiece,the edm die sinker will process a cavity in metal workpiece similar in shape to the electrode.That is the edm basic conditions of working and process.

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